What to expect
Let’s learn about how to take XALKORI capsules, and its side effects.
Side effects Taking XALKORI
is here for you:

Co-Pay Assistance
Eligible, commercially insured patients may pay as little as $0 per month for their Pfizer Oncology treatment. Limits, terms, and conditions apply.* Patients may receive up to $10,000 per product in savings annually
*Patients are not eligible to use this card if they are enrolled in a state or federally funded insurance program, including but not limited to Medicare, Medicaid, TRICARE, Veterans Affairs health care, a state prescription drug assistance program, or the Government Health Insurance Plan available in Puerto Rico.

Personalized support
We can offer you support from a dedicated Care Champion who has social work experience and will offer resources that may help with some of your day-to-day challenges. Because when it comes to support, we’re in this together.
Find Out More*Patients are not eligible to use this card if they are enrolled in a state or federally funded insurance program, including but not limited to Medicare, Medicaid, TRICARE, Veterans Affairs health care, a state prescription drug assistance program, or the Government Health Insurance Plan available in Puerto Rico.

Register for support
Register now to receive updates and more information to guide you along your treatment journey.